Bookworm Problems

Hey, y’all.

It’s the Mad Reader here, and I’m going to be talking about the problems that us bookworms face on a day-to-day basis. Now, if I were to have any type of problems, I would say that having #BookwormProblems are the best problems to have. I’m sure that you bookworms out there agree with me.

So here they are, my personal bookworm problems:

1.) Loving a book in a series so much that you finish it in a day and then having to wait months for the sequel. This one is definitely one I have always had to deal with. I even try to pace myself, but when a book is good, I can’t help but finish it in hours. I’m currently waiting for Last Seen by Sara Shepard to come out. It’s the third book in The Amateurs series. I finished the book in January and I am impatiently waiting for the newest one due out on November 2018.

2.) In connection to #1, finishing the final book of any series is heart-wrenching. I have spent the last few books falling in love with the characters and the storyline, only to finish the books and feel a little empty. This is how I felt after finishing Harry Potter. It took me a few weeks before I found another book to read.

3.) Movie adaptations that cut out your favorite scenes from the book. This is one of my biggest pet peeves because I have a specific favorite part and cannot wait to see it on the big screen only to be disappointed by the absence of it in the adaptation.  In The Perks of Being a Wallflower movie, they leave out a lot of important scenes such as his sister having to go to the clinic for a specific reason that I will not disclose here, but I felt was an important part for Charlie and his sister. 

4.) Speaking of adaptations, changing the meaning or adding in romance for ratings. Yes, I get it, people want to see romance in their movies, but what if adding in more romance than was seen in the movie changes or overshadows the real meaning behind it? That takes away the purpose of the book in my opinion. This can be seen in The Perks of Being a Wallflower, the movie. The book is a favorite of mine so I’m still not over parts of the movie.

5.) Being tired at work or school because you stayed up late to finish a chapter. We’ve all said this: “Just one more chapter.” We are LYING to ourselves. One chapter turns into two which turns into finishing the book. It’s inevitable. Does anyone actually just read one chapter? I honestly have kept myself from reading before bed for this very reason. I’m not strong enough to just read one chapter. I’m the same way with television shows. I really have no willpower.

6.) There’s never enough shelf space. I have four bookcases and am still about to run out of space for books. I never feel like there is quite enough space for all of my books and I’m a book-hoarder and cannot get rid of my books. I have a problem and I admit to it.

7.) The never-ending To-Be-Read list. I have so many books that I want to read that I will die having more books to read than those I have actually read. At least I always have a to-do list, I guess? What’s life without an ongoing purpose? Am I right?

8.) Buying more books. Given that #6 and #7 talk about the lack of shelf-space and the never-ending TBR list, you would assume that I would try to find books to get rid of or finish the ones I have before buying new ones. This is not the case. I continue to buy books even though I’m running out of space and already have enough books that need to be read.

9.) Waiting for your favorite author to release another book. Writing is difficult. I know this firsthand so I know a new book cannot happen overnight. It takes a long process. I’m still impatient because I want another story from them because I love their writing.

10.) The biggest bookworm problem is not really believing that these are problems. I have a book-buying problem, but I don’t really think of that as a problem, but as something amazing. When new books come in the mail or when I find a book after searching the bookstore for awhile, I’m excited. Even though I know that I have to figure out where I want to the book to go and find the time to read it, I’m still excited about another book. Some adaptations do not live up to the book, but I usually always watch it. I want to see those characters come to life and I’m always excited for the author because another person wanted to create something using their ideas. I mean, how flattering is that?

So these are just a few of the Bookworm Problems I could think of off the top of my head. What are some of your Bookworm Problems? Let me know. Until next time, keep on reading and buying books. It’s not really a problem.

– K



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